
What is MyPhy Individual – Premium?

It is face-to-face executive coaching that aligns the 3Ps: Performance, Purpose and Potential to help you deliver on your objectives and expectations.

Our Model

Sustainable SuccessPerformanceHigh PerformanceLiving PurposePotentialPurpose

Our Vision

We Believe

To prosper over time, you need to overcome challenges that threaten your well-being, success and fulfilment.

We Provide

Tools and strategies that equip and empower you to overcome challenges and seize opportunities when these arise.

We Deliver

A customised programme to guide you towards applying your very own "success" processes going forward.

Our Pointsof DifferenceWe focus on helping individuals create their own "success" mechanismsWe provide a detailed report with follow-up guidanceWe tailor-make our workshops to address specific needsWe deliver follow-up sessions to ensure lasting resultsWe have over 40 years experience looking after individualsOur Pointsof DifferenceWefocus on helping individualscreate their own "success" mechanismsWe provide a detailed report withfollow-up guidanceWetailor-makeour programsto address specific needsWe deliverfollow-up sessionsto ensure long-lasting resultsWe have over40 yearsexperiencelooking after individuals

Contact us now for full details, pricing and testimonials

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